Your smile creates an immediate, subconscious, visual impact on people you meet. A brighter smile gives the impression of youth, vitality, radiant health, happiness, and warmth. A bright smile is perceived as a healthy smile.

Why would I need my teeth whitened?

As we get older our teeth get darker. This is partly due to our getting older, but it is also caused by the foods we eat and drink, and by other habits such as smoking. Tea, coffee, blackcurrant juice, red wine and other foods that have strong colours can have an effect on the overall colour of our teeth. Teeth may also darken as a result of some antibiotics.

Some people naturally have a more grey shade of teeth. Other people have white spots on their teeth. This can be caused by early tooth decay, or illness when the tooth was forming.

There are a number of reasons why you might get your teeth whitened. Everyone is different; and just as our hair and skin color vary, so do our teeth. Very few people have brilliant-white teeth.

‘Calculus’ or tartar can also affect the color of your teeth. Some people may have staining under the enamel surface or tiny cracks can appear in the teeth which take up stains.

There are 2 types of Whitening/Bleaching techniques that we offer:

1. Take Home Bleaching
Custom fitted trays are made for the individual patient and a whitening gel is placed in the trays. The trays are worn for about 40 minutes per evening. The trays are typically used for a period of 4-6 weeks to achieve the desired results.

2. Immediate In-Office Bleaching
We offer Britesmile®, Zoom® and Opalescence®

In-office bleaching is the preferred whitening method because even though stronger agents are applied, the rest of the mouth, including the gums, is protected from these materials. The best whitening systems feature a buffer in the gel that protects the tooth enamel from damage, are extremely effective, and can transform teeth in a single office visit. Your teeth can literally brighten up to 10 shades in about an hour.

In-office bleaching affects only the front eight teeth and is a great jump start for take-home whitening, which is always part of an effective whitening program.

Tooth whitening can last for one or more years, depending on how well you take care of your teeth, and if you’re following up regularly with a home whitening product for regular maintenance.

How can I look after my teeth once they have been whitened?

Many people find that their teeth and gums feel cleaner after they have been whitened. The whitening treatment was first used as a treatment to help heal gums, so this is an added benefit.

You can help to keep your teeth white by cutting down on the amount of food and drink you have that can stain your teeth. Don’t forget, stopping smoking can also help prevent discolouration and staining.

We recommend the following tips to care for your teeth:

  • brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks.
  • visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend.